pgplot for DEBIAN ---------------------- As of version 5.2.1, pgplot has support for PNG format output. The debian package has been compiled with support for PNG output turned on by default. Compilation of programs using the pgplot library should be linked with "-lpng -lz" in addition to the normal linking with -lpgplot -lX11. To compile the fortran examples in the examples subdirectory, do the following: g77 -fno-backslash foo.f -o foo -lpgplot -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lpng -lz -lm The -fno-backslash specifies that `\' is not to be specially interpreted in character and Hollerith constants, which are often used in pgplot labels. To compile the C example in the examples subdirectory, do the following: gcc -c cpgdemo.c g77 cpgdemo.o -o cpgdemo -lcpgplot -lpgplot -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lpng -lz -lm If you want to use this package to compile programs based on the pgplot library, you will also need to install the following debian packages - g77, libpng2-dev, zlib1g-dev, libc6-dev, and xlibs-dev. These are already listed in the package Suggests field, but in case you missed it, please make sure you install these packages to develop with pgplot. Gopal Narayanan , Fri Jul 6 13:23:59 EDT 2001 This is the pgplot graphics subroutine library, packaged for Debian. The fortran and c versions of the routines are available. Try 'man pgplot' for more information. John Lapeyre , Fri, 16 Jan 1998 12:49:09 -0700