This package was debianized by: Gürkan Sengün <> on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 16:14:38 +0100. It was downloaded from: Upstream Author: Jeff Lait <> Copyright: Copyright (C) 2003-2011 Jeff Lait License: All rights reserved. Note The Adam Bolt tileset are copyright by Adam Bolt and are licensed separately. Other tilesets are creations of the respective creators - download the latest artpack for details. Information about the Mersenne Twister can be found at: Execution You are allowed to execute the POWDER binary, either by running it in an emulator or on hardware. Duplication You are allowed to duplicate the POWDER distribution provided you: 1) Keep the distribution intact. This means keeping this license. 2) Do not charge for the act of duplication, nor for the medium of duplication above the rate which you paid to acquire it. 3) Do not add to the distribution in a manner which obscures the original author. 4) Do not modify the POWDER binary nor accompanying files. This includes, but is not limited to, the removal of any licensing or copyright information embedded in the files. An exception is made when duplicating to a cartridge or similar device for purpose of executing the binary on hardware. In this case, the binary alone needs to be duplicated (as that is all that is practical) An exception is made for patching the binary to run on certain platforms. Transfer You are free to transfer copies of POWDER to others, provided they remain unaltered, and the transfer is performed without payment. You are encouraged to instead show people to the author's current web site where the latest version may be acquired. Reverse Engineering You are strongly discouraged from reverse engingeering the POWDER binary. If you have questions about how an algorithm worked, contact the author who will likely freely answer. If would like the source, check the download site where it is available. Disclaimer Neither the author, nor anyone associated with the distribution of this binary to your system, is responsible for any damage done to your computer, console, or handheld. This includes, but is not limited to, loss of data, work, time, or hardware. In some, or all, places, a limitation of liability may not be possible. It is your responsibility to verify that within your jurisdiction the above disclaimer fully exempts the author from all liability. If it does not, all earlier rights of execution, duplication, and transfer are rescinded. ALL CAPS THIS SECTION OF THE LICENSING AGREEMENT IS WRITTEN IN ALL CAPS TO MAKE IT APPEAR MORE LEGAL. IT ISN'T. INSTEAD, IT IS JUST A FRIENDLY REMINDER TO ENJOY POWDER AND TO CONTACT THE AUTHOR IF YOU PLAY IT. EVEN IF YOU HATE THE GAME. POWDER IS A LABOUR OF LOVE WHICH HAS PAID FOR ITSELF IN THE AUTHOR'S OWN ENJOYMENT, YET THERE IS NO REASON WHY IT CANNOT EARN EVEN MORE DIVIDENDS OF HAPPINESS BY BRINGING JOY TO THE LIVES OF OTHERS. Autobuilding: According the license there are no problems to build this software on several architectures automatically and distributing it. The Debian packaging is: Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Gürkan Sengün <> and is licensed under the GPL version 3, see `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3'.