Format: Upstream-Name: SweetHome3D Additional 3D models (non-free licenses) Source: Files: * Copyright: Arturo Matheus, Baffab, Ben Omari, Carvalho, Diestel, Dingenskirchen, Don Ravey, Emmanuel Puybaret, Fabrice Delobe, GdB, Geantick, Icybones, Infernal-quack, Jarda Benkovsky, LucaPresidente, Maui, Migdalia Lopez, Miguel Angel Serra, N Mi, Pencilart, Peter Smolik, Rlocatelli, Robert Pastierovic, Russian, Sergio Capretta, Sheep, Siath, Sleipnir1, Snduc, Theo Blonk and Wrosun License: Free-Art-1.3 Files: debian/* Copyright: 2012, Gabriele Giacone <> License: Free-Art-1.3 License: Free-Art-1.3 [ Copyleft Attitude ] . Free Art License 1.3 (FAL 1.3) . Preamble The Free Art licence authorises you to freely copy, spread, and transform creative works while respecting the author's rights. . Far from ignoring such rights, the Free Art License recognizes them and protects them. It reformulates their application byallowing each and every creative use of the mind's creation, regardless of their genres and the forms in which they are expressed. . While the application of copyright law commonly results in restricting the public's access to the mind's creation, the Free Art License facilitates. Its intent is to allow the use of the resources constitutive of a work; to enable new conditions for creation in order to amplify the possibilities of creation. The Free Art License allows enjoyment of works, while recognizing everyone's rights and responsibilities. . The invention and development of digital technologies, Internet and Free Software has changed the framework of creation: mind's creation can obviously be spread, exchanged, and transformed. They lend themselves favorably to producing common works that anyone can add to for the benefit of all. . It is the essential motivation for this Free Art License: to promote and protect these productions of the mind according to the principles of copyleft: freedom to use, to copy, to spread, to transform, and prohibition of exclusive appropriation. . Definitions . By "work" we mean either the initial work, the subsequent works or the common work as defined hereafter: . The common work: it is a work comprised of the initial work as well as all subsequent contributions to it (originals and copies). It is created on the initiative of the initial author who, by choosing this license, defines the conditions under which contributions are made. . The initial work: the work created by the initiator of the common work (as defined above), of which copies can be modified by whom wishes. . Subsequent works: contributions of authors who participate in the evolution of the common work by exercising the rights to reproduce, spread, and modify confered by the license. . Originals (sources or resources of the work): each dated copy of either the initial work or any subsequent work, that its authors present as reference for any subsequent updates, interpretations, copies or reproductions. . Copy: each reproduction of an original as defined by this license. . 1. OBJECT The aim of this license is to define the conditions under which you can freely enjoy this work. . 2. EXTENT OF THE USAGE This work is subject to copyright law, and the author, by this license, specifies the extent to which you can copy, spread, and modify it. . 2.1 FREEDOM TO COPY (OR TO REPRODUCT) You have the right to copy this work for you, for your friends or for any other person, by employing whatever technique you choose. . 2.2 FREEDOM TO SPREAD (TO INTERPRET, TO REPRESENT, DISTRIBUTE) You can freely spread copies of these works, modified or not, whatever the medium, wherever you wish, for a fee or for free, if you observe all the following conditions: . * attach this license, in its entirety, to the copies or indicate precisely * where the license can be found, specify to the recipient the names of the * authors of the originals, including yours if you have modified the work, * specify to the recipient where he will be able to access the originals * (either initial or subsequent). . The authors of the originals may, if they wish to, give you the right to spread the originals under the same conditions as the copies. . 2.3 FREEDOM TO MODIFY You have the right to modify copies of the originals (initial or subsequent) provided you observe all the following conditions: . * all conditions in article 2.2 above, if you spread modified copies; indicate * that the work is a modified work and, if possible, the nature of the * modifications; spread the subsequent work under the same license or any * compatible license. . The authors of the originals may, if they wish to, give you the right to modify the originals under the same conditions as the copies. . 3. RELATED RIGHTS No action confering either author's rights or related rights may interfere with the freedoms confered by this license. . This is why, for example, interpretations must be subject to the same license or a compatible license. Similarly, integrating the work in a database, a compilation or an anthology must not be an obstacle to the enjoyment of the work as defined in this license. . 4. INCORPORATION OF THE WORK Any incorporation of this work into a larger work not subject to the Free Art License must ensure full exercise of the rights confered by this license. . If the work cannot be accessed apart from the larger work incorporating it, then incorporation is only allowed under the condition that the larger work be subject either to the Free Art License or a compatible license. . 5. COMPATIBILITY CRITERIA A license is compatible with the Free Art License if, and only if: . * it gives the authorization to copy, spread, and modify copies of the work, * including for commercial purposes, and without any other restrictions than * those imposed by the observance of the other compatibility criteria; it * ensures proper attribution of the work to its authors and access to previous * versions of the work when possible; it recognizes the Free Art License as * compatible (reciprocity); it prescribes that modifications to the work are * subject either to the same license or to a license which also observes the * present compatibility criteria. . 6. YOUR INTELLECTUAL RIGHTS The object of this license is neither to deny your author's rights on your contribution nor any related rights. By choosing to contribute to the evolution of this common work, you only agree to give others the same rights with regard to your contribution as those which were granted to you by this license. Giving these permissions does not require giving up your intellectual rights. . 7. YOUR RESPONSABILITIES The freedom to enjoy the work as defined by the Free Art License (right to copy, spread, modify) implies that everyone the responsability for their own actions. . 8. DURATION OF THE LICENSE This license takes effect as of your acceptance of its terms. The act of copying, distributing, or of modifying the work constitutes a tacit agreement. This license will remain in effect for as long as the copyright which is attached to the work. If you do not respect the terms of this license, you automatically lose the rights that it confers. . If the legal status or legislation to which you are subject makes it impossible for you to respect the terms of this license, you may not make use of the rights which it confers. . 9. VARIOUS VERSIONS OF THE LICENSE This license may undergo periodic modifications to incorporate improvements by its authors (instigators of the "Copyleft Attitude" movement) by way of new, numbered versions. . You will always have the choice of accepting the terms contained in the version under which the copy of the work was communicated to you, or alternatively, to use the provisions of one of the subsequent versions. . 10. SUB-LICENSING Sub-licenses are not authorized by the present license. Any person wishing to make use of the rights that it confers will be directly bound to the authors of the common work. . 11. LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR INTERPRETING THIS LICENSE This license is written with respect to both French law and the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. . USER GUIDE . - How to use the Free Art License ? . To benefit from the Free Art License, it is sufficient to apply the following mention on your work: . [Name of the author, title, date of the work. Also, if applicable, names of authors of the common work and, if possible, where to find the originals]. Copyleft : This work is free, you can copy, spread, and modify it under the terms of the Free Art License . - Why use the Free Art License? . 1. To give the greatest number of people access to your work. 2. To allow it to be spread freely. 3. To allow it to evolve by allowing its copy, distribution, and transformation by others. 4. To benefit yourself from the resources of a work when it is under the Free Art License: to be able to copy, spread or transform it freely. 5. But also, because the Free Art License offers a legal framework to disallow any abusive appropriation. It is forbidden to take possession of your work and bypass the creative process for one's exclusive enjoyment. . - When to use the Free Art License? . Any time you want to benefit and make others benefit from the right to copy, spread, and transform creative works, without any exclusive appropriation, you should use the Free Art License. You can for example use it for scientific, artistic or educational projects. . - To what kinds of work is the Free Art License suited? . The Free Art License can be applied to digital as well as physical works. You can choose to apply the Free Art License on any text, picture, sound, gesture, or whatever sort of stuff on which you have sufficient author's rights. . - This license has a history: It is the result of observing and practicing digital technologies, Free Software, Internet and art. It was born at the "Copyleft Attitude" meetings which took place in Paris in 2000. For the first time, these meetings brought together members of the Free Software community, and artists, and members of the art world. The goal was to adapt the principles of copyleft and free software to all sorts of creations. . Copyleft Attitude, 2007. You can reproduce and spread this license verbatim (without making changes to it). . Translation : Jonathan Clarke, Benjamin Jean, Griselda Jung, Fanny Mourguet, Antoine Pitrou. Thanks to